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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Billing » My domain name has expired. How long do I have to renew it?
 My domain name has expired. How long do I have to renew it?
Solution If a domain is expired you have 32 days to renew it before it enters the "redemption period". Once a domain is in the redemption period, only the original owner has an additional 35 days that they can renew the domain, but at a very high cost, $150. This is the fee that is imposed by the companies that manage the domain names, such as Network Solutions or PIR.net. The redemption period last approximately 35 days. After that period, the domain may be released, held and used by the registrar or put up for auction. These are done at the discression of the registrar in question. Generally, if your domain name enters the redemption period and you do not renew it, it will be lost for good.

When a domain expires, all services associated with that name (website, email, etc..) stop working.

You can find out more about this "redemption period" at http://www.icann.org/registrars/redemption-proposal-14feb02.htm

Article Details
Article ID: 129
Created On: 22 Apr 2005 05:12 PM

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