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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Domains and DNS » Do you offer URL forwarding?
 Do you offer URL forwarding?
Solution Any domain that is registered by us can have URL forwarding enabled by request and for no charge. This is useful if you are not hosting this particular domain name with us and want to point it to some other domain name. Just send an email to support@your-site.com with your domain name, password as well as your request. You can even have us setup the URL forwarding for you if you provide the target URL (or you can login yourself to make the change). Enabling URL forwarding removes any current DNS settings.

Any domain name that we did not register, we offer 'domain aliasing' for. Aliasing allows you to point a domain name that you own to another domain name that we currently host, so that both domain names appear to be the same website and the aliased domain gets email forwarding accounts. If we registered the domain name that you want aliased, there is no charge. If we did not register the domain name, there is a 1 time $10 setup fee.

Article Details
Article ID: 13
Created On: 16 Feb 2004 03:05 PM

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