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 Android Phones quick email settings
Solution For a setup guide that includes step by step instuctions and screenshots, go to http://accounts.your-site.com/support/index.php?_m=troubleshooter&_a=steps&troubleshootercatid=13&parentid=0

These are the most common settings for Android phones, based on Android 4.+ . Your phone or app might be slightly different, but these settings should give you enough information to properly configure your phone.

1.Start the mail app
2.Select “Other(POP3/IMAP)”
3.Select “Manual Setup”
4 Select "IMAP account"
5.Username: Your full email address
6.Password: Email account password
7.IMAP Server: imap.your-site.com (make sure you use this and not your website name)
8.Security Type: TLS accept all certificates
9.Nothing else needs to be changed
10.Select “Next” and wait while mail validates your settings

Most settings are correct on the next screen. Verify these are correct:

1.SMTP Server: smtp.your-site.com (make sure you use this and not your website name)
2.Security Type: TLS accept all certificates
3.Server Port: 587
4.Require sign-in is checked
5.Username: Your full email address
6.Password: Email account password
7.Select “Next” and wait while mail validates your settings

"Account Options" settings are up to you. When these are set, hit "Next".

"Give this account a name" is for your information only. No one else will see this. Customize the “Your name” field how you would like people to see your name appear on emails. This will appear before your email address like “Your-Site Support ” in our example.

Article Details
Article ID: 199
Created On: 13 Jul 2010 02:07 PM

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