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Support Center » Knowledgebase » CGI, Perl and PHP » Can I use Matt's FormMail?
 Can I use Matt's FormMail?
Solution Due to security issues with FormMail from Matt's Script Archive, we do not allow that script on our servers. We do have a replacement formmail script that works exactly the same, only it is much more secure.

By default, we install a copy of this formmail script on each new hosting account. The file will exist at http://www.DOMAIN.COM/cgi-bin/formmailer.pl (replace DOMAIN.COM with your domain/website name) and the full help file for customizing it are at http://www.DOMAIN.COM/cgi-bin/formmailer_help_files/EXAMPLES . There are 2 lines in the formmailer.pl script that you will have to edit to make it work for your account. You should use an editor like notepad, but not wordpad or MS Word to edit the file. These 2 lines that need to be changed are:

@referers = qw(dave.org.uk localhost);
@allow_mail_to = qw(you@your.domain some.one.else@your.domain localhost);

In the example below, your website name is "DOMAIN.COM" and you want your form data to get emailed to "boss@DOMAIN.COM". Your edits would look like this:

@referers = qw(DOMAIN.COM);
@allow_mail_to = qw(boss@DOMAIN.COM);

You can also download this at http://www.your-site.com/formmailer.zip or from the programmers website, http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/scripts.shtml (compat version) .

If you get stuck, you can ask us to install it for you. Just email support@your-site.com with your request, website address to your HTML form and where you want the emails sent.

Article Details
Article ID: 79
Created On: 16 Feb 2004 05:29 PM

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