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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Can I modify my DNS and MX records?
 Can I modify my DNS and MX records?
Solution Absolutely!

If we are just hosting your website just send an email to support@your-site.com with your domain name, what you would like changed, and the username/password for your account (For verification). Currently there is no control panel for you to manage DNS settings with your hosting account but we are working on making one available.

As an alternative for advanced users, if you have your domain name registered with us and want full control over the DNS settings ( including URL forwarding ) we can enable that when requested. You will then be able to manage these settings at http://manage.opensrs.net . Enabling this feature will remove all existing DNS settings, so make sure you know what you are requesting when you ask for this.

Article Details
Article ID: 1
Created On: 16 Feb 2004 03:00 PM

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