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Support Center » Knowledgebase » General » Do you offer Unlimited Bandwidth?
 Do you offer Unlimited Bandwidth?
Solution Unfortunately, we do not.

Bandwidth is a commodity. Just like any other commodity, there is a cost or a value associated with it. Since it costs us for bandwidth, we must pass that cost to you. Any hosts that offers "Unlimited Bandwidth" does not give true "Unlimited Bandwidth". Hosts offering this have restrictions as to what you can and cannot use this "Unlimited Bandwidth" for as well as a limit which is usually stated as 'at our discretion' or 'reasonable use'. Would you really want to take a chance that your site is take down because your 'reasonable use' and their 'reasonable use' values differ?

99.999% of our customers never come close to the monthly limit of the "Personal Hosting", which is 250GB. If you do come close or go over that amount, your website won't be turned off (unless it is extremely over that amount) automatically; you will receive an email from us.

Article Details
Article ID: 71
Created On: 16 Feb 2004 05:26 PM

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